Monday, October 15, 2007

The Pile is High

Weekend was nice. We ate well and did some yard work. The mad rush to get the sod laid is over. Some of it looks a little yellow but with the weather and the water it should be ok.

Saturday I made some short ribs slow cooked in wine, roasted spaghetti squash and garlic brown rice. Sunday I made a really yummy bean, sausage soup. Soup was so yum I might post the recipe.

I swear the best thing I have ever done was grown greens. Swiss Chard is the best thing EVER. We get enough green out of that small patch for a dish a week. Maybe more. Now that the weather is cooling a little the garden is doing much better. I have all kinds of yummy things popping up.

We finished the 6x6 side of the house by the dining room door. We were so surprised at how much dirt came out of that small space. I mean 6 loads got used to fill up some doggie holes. But 6 loads? Geeze. It was a lot.

We had a few discoveries too. There were sprinkler heads buried and stepping stones. Yay for the sprinkler. After The Husband poked his screwdriver at them, poof! Working!

It was fun. I promised myself no yard work this weekend. Only shopping. Its the 3rd sunday ya know. Long Beach Antique Swap Meet.


Anonymous said...

that looks nice. i'm surprised u didnt make a patio (or something) but planted more sod. food sounds yummy! wish i was there for the swap meet!! thanks for reminding me to look for greens to plant.

SashaLee said...

I had not really planned it. We got the sod for free and I felt like I should use it. We can always rip it back up. I like to use that door instead of the front so a little tbl wouldn't work there. Our neighbors have turned it into a nice space.

Anonymous said...

What a transformation!! Looks good! Hey, how come there were no samples of bean & sausage soup brought in for your friends at work? We had basil & tomato salad from the deck garden yesterday. There's something to be said for homegrown, huh?!

SashaLee said...

I love tomato and basil salad. We ate all the bean soup, sorry. I am going to post the recipe for you to make it. Big thanks for the zucchini bread. It was very nice.

Anonymous said...

that looks awesome!