Tuesday, December 11, 2007

No Doggie, take 2

Last night Sly ate the entire roll of herb goat cheese off the counter. I was expecting him to puke it up all night. No pukeing just a lot of burping and funny gag like noises.

He was so fast I thought I might have set it down somewhere. I thought, "Hum, did I really lose the cheese?" I followed my footsteps all over the house. Then I started to wonder. THEN I looked in all the doggie hideaway spots. Nothing. No crumbs, no plastic nothing.

Hey Shannon, Sly owes you 5 bucks.


Anonymous said...

at least he has good taste!

SashaLee said...

Ugh. I didn't think he took it because there was a knife and cutting board that were still in place. He didn't knock anything over. It was just gone.

I thought fur sure I lost the cheese.

Jennifer said...

Smart dog. I'm sure it was the cat (even if you don't have one.) :)

Mine is too stupid and loud to sneak things. He tries to lick the table, but has the LOUDEST slurps that I nail him right away. You would think he would learn!

Summar said...

Look at that cute little face, he looks so innocent.