Friday, June 20, 2008

Let's Play A Game

Can you guess what flower this is? I threw out some seeds a while ago and finally 3 of these popped up.

Sorry I don't have a prize for the winner but you will be #1 in my book.


Amalie said...

are those columbines?

I LOVE columbines. My favorite flower of my childhood.

SashaLee said...

Nope, keep guessing...

Jennifer said...

Not columbine... the leaves are too fuzzy. They look a little mum like... like a mum crossed with an icelandic poppy.

Anonymous said...

Bells of Ireland? Pretty!

SashaLee said...

yep, Irish Bells is the winner! Good job!

Corey said...

Irish bells are beautiful! Also, I recommend the dogwood. The crepe myrtle has cool flowers, but it requires pruning and I'm not sure how they look when they are older. I prefer the shape of the dogwood (wider) and it has less maintenance.

Anonymous said...

A few thoughts if you are still deciding between Dogwood & Crepe Myrtle -

I always remember Dogwood as an "understory tree" - always growing along the roads and around clearings under the bigger trees where it would get filtered sunlight. Your yard might be too much full sun.

Crepe Myrtle doesn't need pruning - but most everyone seems to practice "crepe murder" here in FL. I've seen beautiful 30 ft trees that appear to have never been pruned - but they are definitely the minority. Other varieties are more like large shrubs (6-8 ft with muliple trunks). If you pick a variey that fits your space it should be very low maintenance.

Everything looks wonderful - keep up the good work!
Orlando, FL