Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm Gonna Bok Your Choy

Too bad I didn't take a picture before we ate it. I planted some bokchoy seeds a few months ago. Usual story, waiting for the seedings to pop up, very excited, growing, getting ready to harvest and then...What the hell? I grew some weird tall stringy plant with stinky yellow flowers coming off the top.

I aint never seen no veggie like that before. I tried to tame it. I chopped off the top with the hopes that it might bulk up on the bottom. Then I decided, ah screw it. i ripped it all out to make room for something else.

We did make a yummy stir fry with all the leaves.

Here is a picture of what it did not look like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A friend told me about the article...I ran home to find it and now I have found you! good job on the backyard farming! I cracked up when I read this post, as I too grew those same leggy choys. I asked around and they said it was too hot...too hot in March, hmmm. I guess...we did have a rather annoyingly warm winter/spring...I probably won't try that particular choy again. Have you seen Kitazawa Seeds? They have a great selection of unusual greens! I look forward to running in to you...maybe at an exchange...lord know I have basil!