Tuesday, May 19, 2009

City Council Meeting- Take 2

The first city council meeting I attended went so well (not) I thought I would go for it again. This time we the poeple got what we wanted. I posted the Press Telegram article on my co-op blog so I will skip that part of the story.

This version goes something like this, short version. The president of our neighborhood association approached me over a year ago to help her start a community garden. There is a parcel of vacant property attached to the back of her property that was once a crack house. They had the building demolished (before our time but no small feat i'm sure) and now stands a vacant lot.

Since I work ridiculous hours I enlisted another neighbor to help me with the project. We found a separate piece of land on our 'main street' and decided to pursue that land instead of the Henderson property. We liked it for the profile and thought it would really help out with the 2030 Long Beach General Plan.

Anyway, that land owner was very interested but she wanted some sort of tax incentive, I do not blame her one bit. The board we approached to be the umbrella for this garden was not interested in her proposal. And that is where the garden died, or so I thought.

Since I am currently in between shows I thought it would be the perfect time to start up the garden project again. Plus something warm and fuzzy about spring it really makes me want to 'get my stuff done'.

Well I guess someone else had the garden torch going all along because at about noon today I was told that the original property was on the agenda for the LB city council.

Long story a little shorter. It passed and now we are on the road to corn!

Thank goodness someone is paying attention.

1 comment:

Adriana said...

Dude, the garden on Pacific is not dead and I've been paying attention all along which is why I have mutliple groups working on it. To boot, there is a second garden on Pacific that is being explored.